In a recent article, Inman reported on the things that “Boomers” – those born between 1946 and 1964 – most want in a home. Some of the results might surprise you!
The top three factors influencing mature adult home purchases were location, affordability, and layout. They also want well-built homes and safe neighborhoods.
Participants in the studies cited community amenities such as pools and walking trails as things they most desire. They also want to be close to medical services as well as restaurants, shopping, and entertainment.
The surprising part of the study has to do with the size of homes boomers prefer. While most would assume that older adults are looking to downsize to a small home, 48.6% would actually prefer a mid-sized home in the 2,000-2,999 square foot range.
The most important home features among boomers are open floor plans, high ceilings, and natural light. Sufficient storage is also important. As far as technology, the most valuable to those surveyed includes wireless security systems, lighting that senses and adapts to you, and integrated home technology (such as “smart” thermostats).
If you are a boomer who is looking to make a move, give us a call at 817-330-9235 or start your home search here. We are available to help you with every step of the process!