Click to Search Homes for Sale in Ladera Mansfield
Located along Debbie Lane just South of the Shoppes di Lucca in Mansfield, Ladera includes 186 homes on 35.5 acres. Built by Integrity Group, Ladera Mansfield offers nine home models and lots of amenities.
- Age Restricted
- Priced from the low $400s to the low $600s
- 2-3 bedrooms
- 2-3 baths
- 1519-2511 square feet
- 4,500+ SF Activity Center
- Fitness Room
- Pool
- Grilling Area
- Approximately 3 miles of Walking Trails
- 11 acres of Beautiful Ponds, Pocket Parks, & Gazebo’s
- Bocce Ball Courts
- Pickle Ball Courts
What’s Nearby
- Shopping & Dining
- Methodist Mansfield Medical Center
- Joe Pool Lake
- Parks & Greenspaces
- Mansfield National Golf Club
- Walnut Creek Country Club
- 5 miles from I-20
- 25 miles from DFW Airport
Watch our video tour of their model home and community center:
Click to Search Homes for Sale in Ladera Mansfield
For more information, give Senior Downsizing Experts a call at 817-330-9235. We’d love to help you find your next home!